summer heat

As temperatures rise across the country, it's important to stay cool and avoid health issues like dehydration, hypertension, and sunstroke.

Here are the top five tips to beat the heat this summer:

Copper is heating in nature and can increase body heat. Instead, drink water stored in glass or stainless steel containers.

Avoid Drinking Water Stored in Copper Utensils

Curd and other warm foods can be difficult to digest in hot weather. Stick to cool and light foods like salads, fruits, and smoothies.

Skip Curd and Other  Warm Foods

Excessive exercise in the summer can lead to dehydration, fatigue, and hypertension. Try calming yoga and pranayama instead to stay cool and relaxed.

Practice Calming Yoga and Pranayama

Exposure to the sun during the afternoon can lead to sunstroke, dry skin, and dehydration. Wear protective clothing, use sunscreen, and stay in the shade during peak hours.

Protect Your Skin from the Sun

Caffeine can increase body heat and inflammation. Switch to herbal cooling teas like peppermint, chamomile, and hibiscus to stay refreshed and hydrated.

Switch to Cooling Herbal  Teas

By following these top five tips, you can beat the summer heat and stay healthy all season long!